Treat your emotions before starting any investment!
You will always lose if you can’t control yourself.
I’ve been in the crypto investment market and trades for too long, and I am more than sure if you don’t invest first in your mental health, you won’t win any single coin.
Unfortunately, it is true. A hard truth, but someone needs to alert you about that.
Most people start investing during the bull market; therefore, what they don’t know is that it has an end. That is when some get poor!
Many people are paid to say whatever they need to keep newbies in the market to profit from their lack of experience.
The most significant factor that leads people into the market is the so-called fear of missing out (FOMO).
FOMO is pure emotional! It is like a Black Friday when you think it is your last chance in this life you can buy with some discount!
In the end, this promotion never existed, but you got an inferior product or a product the store couldn’t sell for the year.
Whatever, the fact is that corporations are not losing, and you are generating debts that you are possibly going to have to pay interest for a bank in the future unless you are that 3% that has enough to pay in cash!
It seems disconnected, but to have cash, you need to save and know the right time to buy.
Same with investment! You must have cash and know the right time! Usually isn’t when the TV broadcast it. That is probably too late! You are just giving money to a person that invested much before than you.
They are selling at the right time.
That means they are patients enough to wait for years! Usually, during three or four years. How patient are you? Are you anxious? Get bored when you are losing?
Suppose you are not patient but anxious or stressed. I would like to recommend that you start looking for a doctor to control it.
Only afterward, you can begin to invest.