What is SmartCash for newbies?
If you never had any contact with SmartCash or want a different perspective about what it is then you are more than welcome to read this article.
SmartCash is a decentralized cryptocurrency. Or for newbies, it is a decentralized digital currency.
It means it is money but using encryption and it has no government saying how much it should worth, the only reason for it changes its price is the demand and supply.
It is not an investment, therefore like FOREX, it can be really profitable in a bull market. Different from tradition FOREX its volatility guarantees it floats much more than a FIAT currency. So if you understand and have the timing you really can be lucky in your trades.
If you don’t know what FOREX is I will give you a B.S explanation but it can help you to start with that. It basically is the difference between one currency and another. Like USD to EURO where you profit trading between both of them.
I’m Brazilian and I bought USD in order to profit from it because BRL is doing super bad during this COVID19 crisis and the USA is printing infinity money. So, since BRL is the worst FIAT of 2020 it is losing value every month. If I have 1 USD, then actually I have 5.60 BRL. It was 1 USD = 3.60 BRL last year, so I won 2 BRL for each USD. Did you see how it can be an investment as well? In my case, it’s worth to have only USD and exchange it on demand.
It is even better when we talk about cryptocurrency and BRL, 1 BTC is 43K BRL at the current moment, so it is good to trade BTC to USD and to BRL. I do the same from BTC to SMART investing for the future when the right time comes and its value goes up.
Money or CryptoMoney is like a plant where you sometimes must put water or cut its leaves and branches in order to keep growing or grow in the right direction.
You must look at it every day and check if you are using the right strategy. Sometimes you must change in order to increase the number of coins and have more profit in the future. That is how you will be able to make money.
Next article I will explain how to make a profit using SmartRewards and what it is.